
Meet the Artist

North Carolina Photographer/ Videographer Blake Pittman grew up on the water and from a young age developed a passion for swimming and everything else water related. In his adult life, this developed into a passion for body surfing and capturing waves and other surfers just using a go pro. For Blake it was very important that his passion become his career. He then made the leap and invested in professional camera equipment and started his company Pitted Photography specializing in Surf Photography and Ocean Art. Blake also specializes in coastal portrait photography and promoting brands and people through his craft. In addition, videography has been added to his many creative passions in and out of the water.

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North Carolina Photographer/ Videographer Blake Pittman grew up on the water and from a young age developed a passion for swimming and everything else water related. In his adult life, this developed into a passion for body surfing and capturing waves and other surfers just using a go pro. Now Blake specializes in surf photography / videography and ocean art as well as coastal portrait photography and promoting brands and people through his craft.


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